Eruv Status
The weekly status will be updated no earlier than the Wednesday before a Shabbos.
For current up/down status of the eruv, you can also check the flags outside of Congregation Shaarei Tefilah - GREEN means the Eruv is up, RED means the Eruv is down.
The North Seattle Eruv was built by and is maintained by Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch of Seattle, WA, USA. Certification of the eruv is provided by R. David Tzubeli of Lakewood, NJ based on the original route approved by R. Shimon Eider z"l. Local supervision is provided by R. Sholom Ber Levitin of Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch of Seattle, WA.
Many people and organizations helped make the North Seattle Eruv possible. Special thanks to: Congregation Shaarei Tefilah Lubavitch, Congregation Beth Shalom, Steve Crume, Seattle City Light, Netversant Washington, Royal Alley-Barnes, Seattle Parks, Kurt Fickeisen, Symbiosis Tree Care, Albert Gonzales, Seattle Public Utilities GIS and many, many others...