Congregation Shaarei Tefilah-Lubavitch means a lot of things to its members. It’s a place of worship. A place of study. A place to see your friends. And a place to make new ones. For each of us, CSTL has become a home. A place where we have not only met new friends, but made new family.
We host lectures, social events and holiday parties- there is always something happening! See our upcoming events
Mailing list
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[email protected]
Our shul is solely funded by our community and its members. Membership at CSTL is about more than paying annual dues, it’s about building and sustaining a unique community. The CSTL building is the place where we pray, study, celebrate during good times, and support each other during difficult times. Membership payments allow us to collectively take care of our spiritual home and are used to help pay down the building loan and support ongoing maintenance. Membership fees are also used to support our daily operating expenses. Thank you for your partnership and making our community stronger. Learn more about becoming a member here